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My Portfolio

Coin Balance Price 24h Value
$HMC 1,000,000,000 💤 $0.069 0.0% $93
8888 20,000 💤 $0.008796 0.0% $176
CNCL 168 💤 $2.83 0.0% $476
INSC 2 💤 $0.13 -7.7% $0
KANG 240,000 💤 $0.006255 0.0% $1,501
RCSV 20 💤 $0.10 0.0% $2
RSK 50,000 $0.001056 0.0% $53
SA 200,000 N/A 0.0% N/A
TSHX 58,040 💤 $0.05 0.0% $2,836
X@AI 10,000,000,000,000 💤 $0.10 0.0% $977,360,000,000


Total Value

Addresses tracked in this portfolio: